Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Entry 2

Creativity...hmn where to begin when discussing creativity let alone my creativity specifically. I honestly think that I lack in the creative department I have tendency to be stuck in my own little box and can't seem to break through those walls. But lets take a look at some of the creative things I've done lately. My Great Dane Kia is very very sick she's been at the vet the past 3 days and they still are not sure what is wrong with her, I have to bring her in every morning at 7:00 AM and I pick her up every night around 5:30 PM this has been going on since Monday the 19th, but she has not been eating for about 5 days now, at least not that any of us have witnessed and Lord knows we have tried to get her to eat and drink anything and everything. That is the main reason for the lateness on my blog as well as my assignments. But lets discuss some creative approaches, I've added blue gatorade to her water to try to add some flavor as well as hydrate her, tried to provide her with beef and rice, chicken and rice, Cheetos, bacon bits inside of her rice and food. I've tried even tuna just because it's stinky, I've tried cottage cheese and cheese in general nothing has been working and that is the extend of my creativity lately. I've been to worried and scared to do anything but focus on her and my son, I'm just not ready to try and explain to my 3 year old little boy what death is, and if Kia dies why his best friend is gone, he already has to deal with not having a daddy I'm not prepared to explain why he may lose his best friend.

Innovation is always happening at work, I work with electronics and in the wireless field to be exact, so innovations is constantly surrounding me there are changes always being made some good some not so good. The most exciting thing happening right now to me is LTE coming to the Green Bay area, LTE is another form of 4G a faster internet speed being offered through wireless carriers, its a completely different frequency than ever before at least in this area I should say, and its quite exciting!!! I can't reveal too much about it, but it will definitely be benefiting us!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dog! I hope she get's better soon! This was a great start to the blog. I was looking for more specific examples in each of the areas. I did not see a discussion on how specifically you are dealing with your barriers to creativity and innovation and I did not see a specific dialogue on how the class activities and materials are assisting you.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
